Monday, May 10, 2010

One More Month

My sons lug in their large, glass money jars. We are entering Target, land of their every desire. They've been saving up for Transformer underwear. With great pride and anticipation they picked them out and headed to the cashier. Everyone is watching. We are a sight. The coins jangle loudly against the glass. We are all chatting and verbally processing our joy.

"I have Bumblebee on my underwear!"

"Yeah, I have Jazz."

"Mine are red."

"Mine are red too."

The cashier interjects, "Wow, you make your kids buy their own underwear?"

"Well, no. They have underwear at home, but they wanted Transformer underwear which they didn't need, but they wanted."

This is language that we use in our house. When my second announces that he needs white donuts I ask, "Do you need them or do you want them?"

I have a deep passion to pass on a healthy attitude toward money to my children. I want them to be content with what they have, to give to others in need, to learn to wait for things they save. I want them to know you can have fun and be filled with joy without a lot of toys. The goal is to go shopping and leave with nothing...if there is nothing to buy.

The Target cashier smiled, "I think that is great! I can't believe they are so happy about underwear!"

I smiled, "Sorry about all these coins. I know it is a nuisance." So much easier to swipe and go.

"No problem at all," she said as she mentally counted the combination of quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies.

How about you? How are you teaching economics to your children, money choices that love God and love others? How do you teach giving? How do you make it tangible?

We are looking for more submissions that deal with this topic.

Our deadline for our book project is June 1st! Keep the stories coming!

(For more ideas of what we are looking for, click on my label "writing" and read seven other entries devoted to this topic.)

1 comment:

Rachel P. said...

It's great that you're teaching your boys how to tell the difference between need and want. Due to financial changes, we've had to explain how it is that even though Bug wants to eat at a place that gives toys with their meals his need to eat can be fulfilled at home. Although, I have definitely come to a point with him that he is endlessly hungry and needs easy to access food nearly all the time.