Sometimes I want to read a book that rhymes, sometimes one with a good story, and other times I'm looking for a short read because I am so tired I don't want bedtime to last any longer. The tricky thing with some short books is their lack of imagination and entertainment. And the tricky thing with rhyming books is their lack of a driving story.
And the trouble with books that tend to have good stories...they can be too long for that night time read. That is why I found three winners which fit well in the categories above:
Rhymes, but isn't annoying:
Short, and still clever:
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Interesting story, and just the right length:
Try "Zin, Zin, Zin, A Violin", "Hush, Little One", "Bear Snores On", "Bear Feels Sick" and "Guess How Much I Love You" (which does not rhyme, but I think of when I think of the Bear books). Of course, I have no idea what constitutes short in your mind, but these are just long enough to satisfy my children while being snappy enough for me to feel like I'm getting a bit of a break.
Rachel, good picks. I'll have to put some of those on hold at the library. I love all the Bear ones, and have not read Bear Feels Sick.
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