Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh, But, But, I.....

I know I should do a thankful post. I should make a top ten. I think I might still, but what's actually been on my mind of late is how much I miss summer. I'm just trying to trick myself into liking late fall and winter. I trick myself/distract myself with a few strategically placed holidays, but really....I like the warm. I desire the sun. I want my favorite three months back: June, July, and August. Those are the good guys. My faithful friends of good times and easy pleasure.

Easy pleasure is sitting in the backyard. Easy pleasure is watching my boys in the sandbox. Easy pleasure is not needing a coat, socks, shoes.....(Any other mom dread the routine at the back door?)

Easy pleasure includes not worrying about Swine Flu.

Today was a sunny one, and I was glad. My middle son noticed and asked why?

"Well, no clouds."


"But its still cold."

"Its still winter."

Yep, it still is. The nights are long. The darkness crashes in on our fun. Our toys are drab. We all have colds. My oldest keeps running a fever.

None of this would have happened in July....I just know it.


Angelina said...

These are blasphemous words to the couple who cannot stand summer....we wait with bated breath for the fall to get here. And when it does we are so thankful and revel in the beauty of crisp and cool. Hahaha Then we spend the year dreading when the summer will again arrive.

We are too hot. We don't like being outside very much. Again...we are too hot. Our A/C bills are outrageous. Just too hot.

Rebekah said...

Well, I do like fall, but winter.....just more rain....kids getting bored.....not a good combo.

Laura said...

I'm tending to like winter. My kids get bored in the summer. But I do like the fact that we get the change in seasons. The variety is nice. There are things to appreciate about all seasons. Spring is like panic mode....all these things I need to get done before school gets out.

Rebekah said...

Your kids don't get bored in the winter because they go off to school? What about the times when they are at home. Do they not get bored at home watching the rain come down? Maybe they don't really like playing outside....