Monday, April 23, 2012

Writing Realization

Lately, I've been feeling down in regards to my writing...feeling like I have nothing to say, nothing to write about, no inspiration etc. My word for this year has been anticipation. I've been doing a lot of evaluating of my life and how I'm spending my time: what is life giving and what is not. I fee like I'm cleaning out my inbox, and it feels good. I've been slowly deleting items that I have to do in my life, getting rid of commitments that are cluttering my time. I'm doing a pretty good job of it too.

But, I've been wondering about my writing. Should I not do my blog? Should I phase out of my Graphic writing? How does writing fit my life now that my kids are bigger and my life is busier. Nap time used to be my sacred time, now when do I create and think? I still want to write. I still want to publish. This is my creative outlet, but how does it work under these new life changes of motherhood.

I know it is little, but I've been doing the school newsletter for the last two years and I finally realized that this is sucking away from my personal writing time. On Mondays I spend the whole day writing the newsletter, gathering articles, and working on the layout. I do enjoy it. I think I've done good in the school through it. But am I willing to keep doing it and sacrifice my own personal writing? Last night I realized: no, nope. I think this will be another thing I delete from my inbox. I have done it well and it is now time to hand it off.

I'm practicing the art of saying no and cleaning my life of feels very anticipatory!


Unknown said...

I have a client who has informed me that "No!" is a complete sentence. :)

Jessica said...

This is a timely post for me. After having Avonlea, I am having to re-evaluate what I'm doing and if it's worth the parts of me (and my day) that I'm spending on it. It's not been easy.

Anonymous said...

I think you should keep doing the blog, but don't feel like you have to do it as often. Just do it every once in a while if that works better for you.

Rebekah said...

Jo, excellent concept!

Jessica, hopefully as we age we get better at creating space in our lives.

Jen Rouse said...

Good for you. As always, our lives mirror each other. I have a hard time fitting in my personal writing time and I am not sure what to give up to make it happen!

James & Kristin said...

Proud of you!!!! Even some of these small things that don't seem to interfere with our life can suck out energy from elsewhere. Sometimes it's just a stage in life that keeps us from good things, but sometimes we really need to clean out & declutter as you said. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I relate to this 100%. Good for you Rebekah.

Heather said...

Saying no can be hard, good for you.

Anonymous said...

sounds very wise. you are a great writer and i know god will continue to use your talents. love,heidi